Eyes on Creeks is about letting people in government agencies know what we see happening that affects our creeks. It's the third of our Commitments to Creeks here at Riddell. There is plenty of science on waterways health, but disjointed responses to issues by government and between government and community groups. One place to start is making what we each see more visible.
Take this instance of plain old bad practice.
I was out walking in late January, as the cool came on, to settle a leisurely dinner, when I saw machinery tracks and dirt just up from my place. "That's strange," I thought. "What would have done that?"
A couple of nights later, we walked on further, and close to 385 Gap Road I found this.
The source of this dumped soil was right there on the other side of the road - the drain had been cleared by the Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
Rather than fuming with impotent rage and do nothing, I fired off an email to Michelle Wyatt, who heads the environment team at MRSC. We need to let staff in government agencies know what we're seeing, so they can mobilise action inside their agency.
The idea of Eyes on Creeks is to give this more grunt by posting photos on a map that we build up as a community group. If a few of us do this, the map will suggest where the pressures on our creeks are showing up. We can decide which issues we want to more noise about as community organisations.
Looking 10 metres on from this small disaster was the easternmost entrance to Barrm Birrm, and I thought I could see one possible solution. The silt in the drain got there from this track, where rain scours out deep channels, to the point where even the 4WD Brumby had to turn back.
How hard would it be, I wondered, for the excavator and its operator to put what it had cleared from the drain back up that track, in a way that slowed the flow and diverted the rush of water off the track.
I'm no engineer, but it seems to me that stopping the source of the silt that blocks the drains on road is a better use of ratepayers' money than repeatedly cleaning up downstream of the problem. Can't we do better than this? It's not going to go away: we have a 2 km long stretch of bush shedding clay after every rainfall event.
Whatever the creative solution to this difficult problem (tracks on private land, building off-takes firm enough to withstand heavy rainfall, and not killing more of the bush in the process), there's this - on a road designated as "Significant Roadside Vegetation" by MRSC, having MRSC crews, or their contractors, dumping spoil onto native vegetation is really stupid.
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Living Large
I’m driving home on one of those
glorious summer mornings that start out cool and misty, then by mid-morning, clear
away to radiant sunshine. I’ve been for a swim in Gisborne, and returned the
back way, past Barringo Creek and down Gap Road and Sandy Creek.
There’s Robert and Margaret up ahead, out
walking, and I pull up. They came down for dinner earlier in the week, and it is
good to see them again. We exchange small talk, and it’s good to stop in the
middle of the morning routine, at the side of a dirt road, with the sun
streaming down through the trees, catching up with warm-hearted people.
Living large, I’d call it, with people
who know that care itself is important—that our social world isn’t a given, but
is made anew each day.
When I get home, a friend staying with us has a blog post from Nora Bateson, daughter of Gregory Bateson, an anthropologist and systems thinker from the middle of the 20thC. We read the piece out loud, on the veranda.
“The work of the coming decades is not
the work of manufacturing, of software development, or of retail seduction, it
is the work of caring. Caring for each other and the biosphere. In that care
there is the hope of finding new ways of making sense of our own vitality. The ‘my’ in my health is not mine; rather it
is a consequence of my microbiome, my family, my community, and the biosphere
being cared for.”
How do we conduct ourselves at this
moment, when so much is at risk and so much in need of radical change? Bateson’s
solution is to stay deep in the difficulty we’re in, and turn to those with
whom we live, to learn our way through to more viable systems. “Business as
usual is a swift endgame,” says Bateson.
Let’s take sewerage for instance. Western
Water’s plant east of Riddell needs more capacity. You’ll catch it flashing
past as you head to Melbourne on the train, but for most of us, it’s ‘out of
sight, out of mind’. But it is kind of our
problem–more houses, more people, more poo, more grey water. There aren’t agricultural
businesses near Riddell to use the treated water, and land for dispersing the
flow is very expensive, so, heave ho, it’s into Jacksons Creek. That means more
nutrient into the system, and that
requires a licence from the Environment Protection Authority.
Western Water are looking at the
options. We know that fencing and revegetating along creeks up-stream can
improve water quality and quantity, and this might offset a higher nutrient
load from the treatment works. But it’s a complicated equation. At Riddells
Creek Landcare, we’re asking Western Water to work with us to create a learning
program on the science, economics and best practices involved.
Sewerage and healthy creeks—how to put
the two together? We want to give an informed opinion when the options come
through, and be part of generating the options. Drop a note to info@riddellscreeklandcare.org.au and I’ll put you on a mailing list if you want to
keep track of this project. Expect to learn a lot. Expect close conversations
with other people in and around Riddell who live large, and who care what
happens here.
Four commitments to creeks
Creeks connect
places and people, and creeks reflect the health of the land around them and
the behaviour and attitudes of people. Members of Riddells Creek Landcare, Greening of Riddell, Stanley
Park Committee of Management and Clarkefield and District Landcare met 10th
Dec, 2018 to discuss priorities for community action on creeks. Tim Read, JCEN Facilitator, and David
Galloway, provided support.
We worked through four steps.
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Riddells Creek upstream of the Carre-Riddell Bridge |
We worked through four steps.
Step 1. Why is now
a good time to think about creeks? Recent strategies from government
open opportunities for communities to work on creek health: the Healthy
Waterways Strategy, with Performance Objectives for the Jacksons Creek
sub-catchment; MRSC’s draft Biodiversity Strategy; The Victorian Biodiversity
Strategy wants to improve Victorians connection to nature, as part of
protecting biodiversity; the Environmental Volunteering Plan wants to increase
volunteering for the environment. Closer to home, Western Water is looking at
options for offsets for increase outputs to Jacksons Creek from the Riddell
sewerage works (aka Recycled Water Plant), and the Riddell Structure Plan locks
in rapid growth of the town. There are many plans, with many goals: it’s time to decide what community groups will do to make their contribution.
Step 2. What’s your interest in creeks? Personal interest drives volunteer effort, so
we started here. We heard what Julie MacDonald, Heather McNaught, Vicki Green,
Helen Kalajdzic, Lachlan Milne, George Wright, Lyn Hovey and Ross Colliver have
been doing on creeks over the last few years. We heard many specific instances of how local
government, ParksVic and sometimes Melbourne Water (MW) have failed to act to
protect and plan for creeks in town and rural areas.
Step 3. What’s
happening to creeks? We looked at maps of current condition and targets
for condition developed by Melbourne Water. Residential and rural living
development both affect creeks. Melbourne Water has protecting waterways as
core activity, but for MRSC, waterways protection seems to be very much
secondary to land use planning. It’s left to residents to raise negative
impacts on creeks, but they are often chasing a horse that’s already bolted. In
rural areas, MW’s Stream Frontage Program has supported landholders fixing
their creeks—the challenge is now getting to those who are disinterested or
hard to contact.
Step 4. What will we
commit to? Personal
interest, what creeks need, the potential influence of our groups, and the reality
of our actual capacity converge on four priorities:
Introducing people to creeks. Creeks are
easy to love, but people who are new to rural areas need a guide and educator.
We can leverage what individual members and groups are doing on creeks to
educate people about creeks, how they work and what landholders are doing to
look after creeks. This kind of education helps shift attitudes from fear,
abuse and neglect of the natural environment to attitudes that support care—respect,
affection and curiosity. Community groups have the credibility to be educators,
but we need to communicate with people in towns and rural areas in a way that
moves people from ignorance and complacency to action.
Eyes on creeks. Community groups members often see
what’s happening to creeks sooner than staff of government agencies. Rapid reporting
of threats to creeks gives individuals in agencies a chance to act and
influence what their agency is doing. This is ‘below the radar’ intervention,
where relationships of trust and respect are critical. Sharing observations of
what’s happening locally will help government staff to focus their limited time
and resources.
Challenging business-as-usual. When
reporting threats doesn’t change things, and business-as-usual needs a
shake-up, speaking out publicly activates opinion in the community and puts pressure
on government agencies to act on their responsibilities. Community groups will
be stronger if they speak together.
Campaigning is energy-intensive, so we’re going to have to pick the issues that justify that energy. Five hot issues were raised:
Campaigning is energy-intensive, so we’re going to have to pick the issues that justify that energy. Five hot issues were raised:
- private extraction of water upstream of Stanley Park, and the failure of Southern Rural Water to inform landholders and impose sanctions;
- failure by MRSC to consider the health of creeks in development applications, to include permit conditions that address the health of creeks, and to act on failure to implement permit conditions;
- damage to publicly-funded landholder revegetation when properties change hands and new owners don’t look after past work on their own and adjacent public land;
- sediment flowing into creeks from MRSC gravel roads and from development sites, due to inadequate standard practices and failure to develop and insist on better practices;
- neglect of the Riddell Main Drain, upstream of town (infill and weeds), in town (rubbish and ignorance that it is a creek), and downstream (weeds again and no attention in development planning for the commercial centre of Riddell).
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