Lynne Kelly’s new book, Knowledge and Power in Prehistoric
Societies: orality, memory and the
transmission of culture (Cambridge
University Press), is about to revolutionize our understanding of knowledge in
prehistoric societies.
Join us at 2.00, ,
Saturday 15th August, Dromkeen, 1012
Gisborne-Kilmore Rd, Riddells Creek for the Riddells Creek
Landcare AGM. Hear what we’ve been doing this year.
Afternoon tea at 3.00, then Dr
Kelly at 3.30, to explore how pre-literate aboriginal cultures
rehearsed and transmitted their survival knowledge about plants and animals as
they moved through the landscape. Monuments and ritual recitations, songs and
dances helped people index in living memory everything they had to remember
about husbandry, cultivation, and crafts to build the first urban settlements.
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